Growing Resources

DAF Fact Sheet – Guava root-knot nematode
Guava root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne enterolobii) is a highly pathogenic and invasive nematode species. Despite its common name, it has a broad host range including many vegetable crops, ornamental plants and weeds. It has been identified as a high priority pest in the biosecurity plans for the ginger, papaya, potato, sweetpotato and vegetable industries.
Farm Biosecurity Fact Sheet
“Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility”
Visitors and seasonal workers pose a real risk to on farm biosecurity. Transfer of
disease, pest and weeds are all transferred unintentionally when visitors and workers
enter the property.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance For Greater Careers agriculture video
The Greater Whitsunday region is embracing new thinking and change. Businesses, workforces and industries are dynamic and future focused.
The Greater Whitsunday region will require ongoing collaboration with industry, education and training providers to ensure we navigate the changing landscape successfully.
In this video we explore the careers in Agriculture, in particular the emerging industry of Aquaculture, onsite at Australian Prawn Farms.
National Biosecurity Training Hub
Created to address the need for a centralised, coordinated approach to national biosecurity training, the Hub provides a national repository of online biosecurity training for industry, government and community, connecting biosecurity training providers across Australia.
Public Chemical Registration Information System
Search for chemical details including product name, registering company, active constituents and product category, or information on stopped, cancelled and expired registrations.
Soil Health with David Hall and Jessica Volker
In 2022, David, with over 30 years of experience in soil management, along with agronomist and grower Jessica Volker, conducted soil sampling across several farms, providing reports to enhance soil productivity. Watch the video to learn more about optimising soil health and sustainability.
Soil Wealth resources and fact sheets
The Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) project provides research and development (R&D) extension services, products and communication on improved soil management and plant health to the Australian vegetable industry.
Video series on precision agriculture in vegetable production
As part of the project “Adoption of Precision Systems Technology in Vegetable Production (VG16009),” funded through the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has released a video series on precision agriculture in vegetable production.
Weed Management Fact Sheet
A series of fact sheets on priority weed species and their integrated management in vegetables.