Workforce Resources

Advertise or search for jobs at Pick Paradise
Specifically designed for employers in Horticulture, Agriculture and Aquaculture industries, you can use the Pick Paradise website to submit job openings, casual roles and more.
BGGA Workforce Attraction Campaign – What are you waiting for?
BGGA together with Qld Agricultural Workforce Network have produced an attraction video to promote agricultural jobs in the Whitsundays.
Bowen Gumlu Growers Association Visa Overview
This content is available for members only
The purpose of this document is to show the different visas available to growers. There are three common visas that can be used to recruit workers
Case Study: #Pick Paradise Workforce Social Media Attraction Campaign 2022-2023
This case study delves into the strategic #Pick Paradise social media attraction campaign orchestrated by the Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network (QAWN) in response to the pressing labour challenges induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. By outlining the campaign’s inception, challenges, solutions, results, and key insights, we can unveil a comprehensive understanding of its impact.
Case Study: Holiday Harvest Pilot Program 2022
The Holiday Harvest Pilot Program, initiated by the Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network (QAWN) in 2022, aimed to address the chronic labour and skills shortages facing the Australian agriculture sector. By attracting students to engage in paid employment during school holidays, the program sought to equip them with industry-specific skills, enhance their soft skills, and raise awareness about modern agricultural career opportunities.
Greater Whitsunday Alliance For Greater Careers agriculture video
The Greater Whitsunday region is embracing new thinking and change. Businesses, workforces and industries are dynamic and future focused.
The Greater Whitsunday region will require ongoing collaboration with industry, education and training providers to ensure we navigate the changing landscape successfully.
In this video we explore the careers in Agriculture, in particular the emerging industry of Aquaculture, onsite at Australian Prawn Farms.
Looking for Seasonal Work?
Known for its balmy climate, stunning beaches and access to the Great Barrier Reef, North Queensland is a must-visit feature on every traveller’s bucket list. We’re here to tell you there’s an even better way to discover this tropical region, on a working holiday! With fantastic pay and a diverse range of roles you can earn money through the week and explore this natural wonderland all weekend. Make a splash on the Great Barrier Reef, sail into the sunset in the Whitsundays or enjoy the thriving night life of Airlie Beach. When you choose to work and play in North Queensland, you truly are picking paradise!
Mental Health Matters
It’s easy to get involved and show your support for your employees’ wellbeing. To help, we’ve created a free poster that you can download here. Simply add your company logo, print it, and display it in your smoko rooms.
Migration Forum Report
The agricultural sector in North Queensland plays a pivotal role in the Australian economy, producing a diverse range of commodities. The industry is heavily reliant on seasonal and temporary labour, often sourced through migration due to the seasonal nature of the work and the insufficient local workforce.
On the 13th of July, 2023, the Bowen Gumlu Growers Association (BGGA) held the Regional Capacity Through Migration Forum.
Workforce branding webinars
BGGA engaged with Mark Puncher who provided two valuable branding webinars to assist industry with attracting and retaining workers.
Workforce Toolkit: Fee-Free Tafe Courses
The career of your dreams is within reach thanks to Fee-Free TAFE. Follow your passion with over 70 industry-recognised courses to choose from.